26 November 2005

Lens reflections

This is a good example of things that show up as spots in my shots, especially at night, in hotel banquets etc... Really pisses me off when I have a nicely composed and exposed photo, but with little UFOs floating around. Click to see the big picture.

25 November 2005

Koko pod

Here's a pic of a cocoa pod that was dissected by my mom. She got it from Tawau. When you suck on the seeds it has the chocolatly aroma, but it's not sweet.

Here's a close-up of the seeds when cleaned and cracked open:

08 November 2005

NightShots anyone?

These are two shots of the same scene from Kampung Nelayan (a seafood restaurant in Bukit Padang). The shot on the left is kind of dark, but when I set my camera to the maximum shutter length of 15 seconds, the results is the second shot. Better "star effects" on the lights but I only noticed the lens flare after downloading the images to my computer.
This is an indoor shot of a chandelier in one of the hotels. Occasion: one of my aunty's birthday celebration.

P.S. This is only a point-and-shoot camera that I'm using (Canon A70) so you shouldn't expect miracles heh heh...